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level of significance 【統計學】有效(位)水平 ( = significanc...

level pressure

There were also differences between the personal characteristics of these participants with the need of leisure and sports ( 1 ) for the ages of these participants , it approached the level of significance differences between the age under and above 30 years old . ( 2 ) for the educational level of these participants , level of college was more than senior high school and university 二、不同背景變項的護理人員從事休閑運動的需要,以30歲以上的高于30歲以下者,且差異達顯著水平;高中(職)學歷者之需要程度高于專科與大學以上,且專科與高中(職)差異達顯著水平。

The negative correlation of the dry matter production to the age class of rhizome indicates level of significance ( p < 0 . 05 , po . ol ) in leymus chinensis , calamagrostis epigeios and c . rigidula populations 羊草、牛鞭草和硬拂子茅種群根莖的干物質積累量與齡級間的負相關關系達到顯著和極顯著水平。

Level of significance 顯著性水平

This probability ( a ) is also called the level of significance 概率( )也叫作顯著性水平。